Can you achieve a perfect clear bra installation?

While a 100% perfect install is difficult to achieve, we do strive to do our best in every case. We are human after all.

Even the most experienced installers have nightmares about dirt debris in their clear bra installations. Dust is incredibly light and easy to be moved by the lightest of breezes. The clothes we all wear are made of fabrics composed of small hairs all woven together. These small hairs can become detached from our clothes and drift right into the clear bra adhesive. Apart from these things, even our own bodies produce their own dust and skin cell particles.

This is why we limit our mobile clear bra packages to homes with a garage or our location in Wheat Ridge, to limit dust and debris from interfering with the installation. Although it doesn’t guarantee a perfect installation, an enclosed area gives a higher chance of a clean and near-perfect clear bra installation.

You can view the clear bra packages we offer here or if you’re ready to get an estimate contact us for a quote.


How long does it take for you to install clear bra?